The Scariest Night

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Officially, Hallowen Night is on 31th of October, but here the University decided to celebrate it last Saturday. You can imagine the rest: zombies, draculas, vampires, witches... The Scariest Night in Cheltenham !! And in addition, a lot of alcohol (today I'm hang over to Death !!) and tons tons of party. See the video and the pictures to find out.

Oficialmente, la noche de Halloween es el 31 de octubre, pero aquí la universidad decidió celebrala el sábado. Ya podéis imaginaros el resto: zombies, dráculas, vampiros, brujas... ¡¡ La Noche Más Terrorífica en Cheltenham !! Y además, mucho alcohol (hoy tengo un resacón de Muerte!!) y mucha, mucha fiesta. Echadle un vistazo al video y a las fotos para haceros una idea.

Me, Laura, Juanki and Carlos... we look like Nightwish!! lol

Creepy !!

Intimating with Scream...

Eating Isi the Girl Demon... Yummy !

Carolin, about to die...

Bitting the most beautiful witch from France.

Rojucho Alex well accompanied.

Thomas praying with the Opus Dei guy.

American Witch Laura seems to be very happy...

The Student Union bar, full of (scary) people.

Lost In London Underground

Friday, October 20, 2006

A Japanese girl singing in the London underground. The scene reminds me so much the film Lost in Translation. The underground is such a different world kept away of the city itself: thousands of people from different backgrounds and cultures mixed together, creating a whole new exciting universe. Moving through the different lines of the rail network, you never know what you will find after the nex corner.

By the way, attention to the statement of Carlos at the beginning of the video: "Estos de Humor Amarillo, que la van a armar" Juasjuasjuas

London (I) The Morning

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The trip to London was intense: we were almost 20 people running from Victoria Place to Big Ben or Picadilly Circus without even breathing. We tried to see as much London as we could in only 24 hours and that is completely impossible. So London passed away very quick to my eyes, but, in the end, 24 hours -without sleeping!- are a lot of hours... and are a lot of photos. So I've divided the chronicle of the journey in 3 parts: The Morning, The Afternoon and The Evening.
The bus arrived the city centre at 10 a.m. As soon as we got the underground tickets -something unavoidable to move in London- we saw some of the main and famous buildings of the capital. Wesminster Abbey, the House of Parliament, Big Ben, the Wheel, the Tower Bridge... and finally Picadilly Circus (identical to Callao square in Madrid) where we meet back the italians and we eat something. All that in less than 3 hours. Exhausting... but incredible.

El viaje a Londres fue intenso: éramos casi 20 personas correteando desde Victoria Place al Big Ben o Picadilly Circus casi sin respirar. Intentamos ver lo máximo posible de Londres en sólo 24 horas, y eso es completamente imposible. Así que Londrés pasó muy deprisa antes mis ojos, pero, al fin y al cabo, 24 horas -¡sin dormir!- son muchas horas... y son muchas fotos. Por eso, he dividido la crónica del viaje en 3 partes: La Mañana, La Tarde y La Noche.
El autobús llegó al centro de la ciudad a las 10. Tan pronto como pillamos los tickets del metro -algo imprescindible para moverse por Londres- vimos algunos de los principales y más famosos edificios de la capital. La Abadía de Wesminster, el Parlamento, el Big Ben, la Noria, la Puente de Londres... y finalmente Picadilly Circus (idéntica a la plaza de Callao en Madrid), donde nos reunimos de nuevo con los italianos y comimos algo. Todo en menos de tres horas. Agotador... pero increíble.

My first view of London as soon as we exit the Station...

(Half) of the group.

Wesminster Abbey... impressive.

Possing in front of Wesminter left entrance.

Naia, Nidia, Carlos and Juanki with the Big Ben at the back

At the feet of the Big Ben... amazing.

With the famous Wheel rolling over my head

Probably the most famous monument in London... the Tower Bridge.

Picadilly Circus... a mix between Broadway and Callao

It was good walk... resting and eating in Picadilly

Nidia possing... no comments.

Coming soon, the second part of London: the Afternoon. The markets of Covent Garden and Candemtown + tons of the London enormous crowded underground.

Playing Spanish "drinkingames"

Monday, October 09, 2006

Although Juan Carlos house is in the fucking suburbs of Cheltenham, it always provides the best parties. If we had a lot of fun on his birthday, now we've had even more fun playing what we can call the spanish drinkingames... They are quite difficult to explain for those who aren't spanish, but the objective is to get as drunk as you can. Mission completed - at least, one italian girl got very, very drunk. Chiara, be careful with the vodka... lol

Aunque la casa de Juan Carlos está en los putos suburbios de Cheltenham, ésta ofrece siempre las mejores fiestas. Si ya lo pasamos bien en su cumpleaños, ahora lo hemos pasado todavía mejor jugando lo que podríamos llamar "spanish drinkingames". Es difícil de explicar para los que no son espanoles, pero el objetivo es ponerse tan borracho como puedas. Misión superada - al menos, una italiana se puso muy, muy ciega. Chiara, cuidado con el vodka xD.

Waiting for the bus. Juan Carlos lives too far away for our poor feet

JC and me kissing Rita. Hint: look closer to her teeth

Enrique loves Gin. This is love and the rest are bollocks.

Cyprus' tongue. No comments...

When there's no more alcohol, you can always try other liquids... lol


Don't cry, mate. The party is over, but next weekend we go to fucking London !!!! To be continued...

Heretics in the Church

Saturday, October 07, 2006

The first day I came to Cheltenham, one thing that I saw from the bus grab my attention: in the door of a church there was a neon heading who said: Revolution. It was strange to read such a word in a church. In that time, I thought maybe it was a sect. It's not at all. Days later, I found out that that "church" is actually an enormous pub inside a church. And what a pub, mate. Good envoirment, good music, good drinks, good girls and good chat...

El primer día que llegué a Cheltenham, algo que vi desde el autobús llamó especialmente mi atención: en la puerta de una iglesia había un letrero de neón que decía: Revolution. Era extraño leer una palabra así en una iglesia. Entonces, pensé que quizá era una secta. Nada que ver. Días después, descubría que esa "iglesia" era realmente un enorme pub dentro de una iglesia. Y qué pub, tío. Buen ambiente, buena música, buena bebida, buenas mujeres y buenas charlas...

A modernist picture of Jesus and the apostles. Faith or herexy?

Camille... the prayer.

The Holy Grail? No. Just a BIG cocktail.

Juan Carlos with the Virgin Mary... ahem.


More heretics...

Sam, be careful with that hand. Touching is sin.

Blood of Christ? Maybe, because it was bloody good!!

Oh, my god. She has to be Mary Magdalene.

End of the party. "We are so tired of... praying".

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