The Scariest Night

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Officially, Hallowen Night is on 31th of October, but here the University decided to celebrate it last Saturday. You can imagine the rest: zombies, draculas, vampires, witches... The Scariest Night in Cheltenham !! And in addition, a lot of alcohol (today I'm hang over to Death !!) and tons tons of party. See the video and the pictures to find out.

Oficialmente, la noche de Halloween es el 31 de octubre, pero aquí la universidad decidió celebrala el sábado. Ya podéis imaginaros el resto: zombies, dráculas, vampiros, brujas... ¡¡ La Noche Más Terrorífica en Cheltenham !! Y además, mucho alcohol (hoy tengo un resacón de Muerte!!) y mucha, mucha fiesta. Echadle un vistazo al video y a las fotos para haceros una idea.

Me, Laura, Juanki and Carlos... we look like Nightwish!! lol

Creepy !!

Intimating with Scream...

Eating Isi the Girl Demon... Yummy !

Carolin, about to die...

Bitting the most beautiful witch from France.

Rojucho Alex well accompanied.

Thomas praying with the Opus Dei guy.

American Witch Laura seems to be very happy...

The Student Union bar, full of (scary) people.

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