Monday's Nabos Night

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It's official. From now on, a group of Spanish fit guys living in Cheltenham will celebrate each Monday the Nabos Night. A drinking-party only for men, in which we can do what we want all the time with total impunity. The official members of the Nabos team (nabo = turnip in english... you understand, girls??) are Juanki, Carlos, Enrique, Pablo, Alex and me. Six crazy boys in search of the perfect evening. Maybe, it was not perfect... but we had drinks, cigarettes (Chestefierld, I missed you!!), laughing time, deep conversations... and then Moda. The little german girl would be very proud of us - you guys understand me. Enjoy the pictures and videos!!

Es oficial. Desde ahora, un grupo de tíos buenos españoles residentes en Cheltenham celebrarán cada lunes la Nabos Night. Un botelleo sólo para hombres, en el que podemos hacer lo que nos de la gana con total impunidad. Los miembros oficiales del Nabos Team son Juanki, Carlos, Enrique, Álex y yo. Seis locos en busca de la noche perfecta. Quizá no fue perfecta, pero tuvimos bebidas, cigarrillos (Chesterfield, te echaba de menos!!), risas, conversaciones profundas... y Moda: la pequeña alemana estaría orgullosa de nosotros jeje. Ya me entendéis. Disfrutad de las fotos y videos!!

The Nabos Team broght together in Pablo's House (where is Pablo?) with our first guest Emanuele

The zulo where Pablo lives... Here they filmed The Blair Witch Project

Juanki with his new best friend

Crazyness on an abandoned sofa

Mouda !

Mouda girl...

Ooops! Charlis was the fastest. It's a pity.

Breaking a bike. At least, that's what it seems...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sí sí, la Nabos´ Nigth hay que institucionalizarla. :D

Menudo descontrol jaja

Tela con la Clarissa...

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